As you can see I changed my title. Why you may ask? I kept trying to stay on the subject of Disney, but that just wasn't working for me. Now, this blog will be called Haley's World, and it will basically be about anything going on in my life. Disney will still be involved since it's my favorite thing, just not as often. Happy belated Easter/Passover everyone!
Disney contacted Jared(the designer of VMKUnleashed), and gave them a strict no. Now, Jared will be redesigning the characters and rooms, but is trying to keep it as close to how VMK was as possible. Just thought some of you would be interested with that bit of info.
My friend Samantha, invited me to see the Jonas Brothers in concert this July. I said yes, and now I will be seeing them floor seats, 4th row. I'll be back from England by then. Sounds like what can be a fun time! My other friend, Kelly, will be in the row directly behind me, and my other friends, Ali, Morgan, Stefanie, and Grace will be two rows behind me! I hope we get to talk before the concert starts.
I'm extremely bored. No one is on DHI Discussion right now, therefore I have no one to talk to. I went on Polyvore for awhile, which was what felt like it was time consuming, but when I looked at the clock it was only about five minutes.
I'm too lazy to make a set. I don't get how people make those amazing sets that look like portraits. I'm not exactly what you would call an 'artist', so it's hard for me.
An annoying girl kept private messaging me(the same one who posted the rude comments on your sets, scar), and called me names, therefore I blocked her and reported her. I found this really odd person on Polyvore, who made me crack up from every set she had, especially this one entitled "Bad Dobby"