Monday, September 15, 2008

Kingdom Keepers

Hey everyone! I just wanted to tell you about Kingdom Keepers! It's a awesome book about 5 Orlando teens tapped as models for Disney Theme Park Guides. It was all fun and games and was a easy way to earn some extra cash. Or so they thought. Suddenly, they were all approached by a elderly imagineer who tells them the park is in grave danger. Now the teens are fighting for their lives, trying to save disney, plus trying to solve a riddle that Walt had left to save disney.
Now, Kingdom Keepers 2 released about a week ago! That book is about Jez, who was cursed and turned into Maleficent's slave in the first book, suddenly goes missing, leaving only behind her diary of dreams that oddly come true. Now Finn, Charlene, Willa, Maybeck, Philby, and Amanda Jez's sister go on a search to find her, before the park closes. Now the Kingdom Keepers just realized that Maleficent isn't the one they must worry about- it's Chernabog, the most powerful and most evil disney villian Walt had ever created! Now it's up to them (again) to save disney, but with a twist, they have help from Amanda, and everything is not what it seems with her.
Ok, I don't want to spoil the book for you, so I just want to say if you love disney world, and you have a crazy obsession like I do, this is the book for you!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! You could be the person who writes on the inside of a book flap! Bravo! Oncore!

DHI said...

Lol Thanks

Anonymous said...
